Florist Choice Aqua Pack Valentine's Bouquet

Florist Choice Aqua Pack Valentine's Bouquet

from £35.00
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Florist choice bouquets are bursting with beautiful fresh flowers and foliage expertly chosen and arranged by Lily.

All Aqua Pack Bouquets come in a water bubble and are wrapped in eco friendly materials. They also come displayed in their own gift box.

They are the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day and are guaranteed to bring joy to whoever receives them! 

Small - £35

Medium - £45

Large - £60

Extra Large - £70

Florist Choice Valentine’s Bouquet colour palette options:

·         Romantic Pinks and Reds

·         Dreamy Pinks and Whites

Please note: the images shown of the Florist Choice Valentine's bouquets are of the extra large size.

Dozen Luxury Red Rose Aqua Pack Valentine's Bouquet

Dozen Luxury Red Rose Aqua Pack Valentine's Bouquet
